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This study investigated the validity and reliability of the GymAware PowerTool (GPT). Thirteen resistance trained participants completed three visits, consisting of three repetitions of free-weight back squat, bench press, deadlift (80% one repetition maximum), and countermovement jump. Bar displacement, peak and mean velocity, peak and mean force, and jump height were calculated using the GPT, a three-dimensional motion capture system (Motion Analysis Corporation; 150 Hz), and a force plate (Kistler; 1500 Hz). Least products regression were used to compare agreeability between devices. A within-trial one-way ANOVA, typical error (TE; %), and smallest worthwhile change (SWC) were used to assess reliability. Regression analysis resulted in R2 values of >0.85 for all variables excluding deadlift mean velocity (R2 = 0.54–0.69). Significant differences were observed between visits 3-2 for bench press bar displacement (0.395 ± 0.055 m; 0.383 ± 0.053 m), and deadlift bar displacement (0.557 ± 0.034 m; 0.568 ± 0.034 m). No other significant differences were found. Low to moderate TE (0.6–8.8%) were found for all variables, with SWC ranging 1.7–7.4%. The data provides evidence that the GPT can be used to measure kinetic and kinematic outputs, however, care should be taken when monitoring deadlift performance.  相似文献   
The notion that the stories of our lives shape dispositions towards imagined futures is another lens through which university underrepresentation should be viewed. A storied lens attends to how futures, like university attendance, are storied during childhood to the extent that some youth imagine, and therefore plan, these futures as natural progression. Such was the case for study participants, indicating that childhood stories contain answers for mitigating social reproduction connected to parental education and cultural forces within the home. Examining social mobility through the underexplored storied-futures grand narrative presents unique solutions that lay hidden within the dominant meritocratic grand narrative.  相似文献   
采用文献资料、实地调研与专家访谈等研究方法,对江苏省体育健康特色小镇的建设愿景与实然状态进行现状调查,并结合全国和江苏省有关体育小镇建设的宏观政策,深度挖掘体育健康特色小镇建设中存在的瓶颈与纠纷,并提出相应的策略。调研得知:江苏省体育健康特色小镇在建设过程中存在建设主体职责不明确,规划建设方向不合理,规划方案编制无灵魂,资源整合工作被忽视和专业人才匮乏等问题。在此基础上,提出找准特色核心项目,科学的规划策划,建立有效的激励与协调机制,倡导辩证的产业思维,实施专业人策略是推进江苏省体育健康特色小镇的重要举措。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 合理使用是维持著作权人个人利益与社会公共利益平衡的重要机制之一,对承担公共文化服务功能的图书馆尤为重要,但实践中图书馆的合理使用条款并未充分发挥利益平衡的作用,有必要对其存在问题及形成原因进行深入分析。[方法/过程] 通过与域外立法相比较,以及司法实践中的案例分析,可看出我国图书馆合理使用的主要问题在于现行法律规定滞后、规则不明晰,导致合理使用适用范围狭窄,还同时受到许可协议、技术措施的挤压。[结果/结论] 为化解图书馆合理使用条款的适用困境,可从增加原则性规定、明确其法律属性为强制性规定、扩大有关条款的适用范围等方面来完善立法。图书馆自身也应加强知识产权管理、提高知识产权素养,严格遵照法律规定以消除侵权隐患。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]基于版权保护的演化博弈分析,有助于探究数字内容产品的原创主体对仿冒行为是否具有容忍度,以及不同仿冒水平下实施版权保护的策略选择,对规范数字内容产品市场主体行为具有一定指导意义。[方法/过程]首先借助演化博弈模型,分析原创主体与仿冒主体的利益演化过程,探究版权保护下原创主体对仿冒水平的容忍行为;然后通过细化博弈双方的利润函数模型,探究原创主体容忍度水平的决定因素。[结果/结论]原创主体对较小的仿冒水平存在一定的容忍度,对较高的仿冒水平零容忍。最大仿冒水平容忍度由仿冒交叉收益系数、收益模型常系数、产品研发成本系数和原创主体的产品研发努力水平倍数4个因素共同决定。  相似文献   

As educational interventions that integrate death issues in the school curriculum are rarely designed, implemented and evaluated, our action research (AR) project aimed at investigating the complexities of integrating the concepts of loss and grief in the primary school curriculum of Cyprus. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze convergences and divergences between AR and lesson study (LS), as they emerged in our project. We particularly focus on the ways that AR served to legitimate ethically and politically those aspects of the project that constituted the experimentation of lesson plans on loss and grief. The AR and LS elements of our project functioned differently and served different purposes, and we speculate that this is not irrelevant to the controversial aspects of the lesson plans’ topic, namely loss and grief. The paper argues that it may be strategically important, for ethical and political reasons, to both demarcate and associate AR and LS, navigating between them, particularly if a controversial issue is involved.  相似文献   
发展校园足球是推进我国校园体育活动的重要力量,亦是提升我国足球运动水平的必然选择。虽然在相关政策的支持下,我国校园足球发展迅速,但依然面临经费短缺、师资不足、发展不均衡、学训矛盾突出、体制机制不完善、社会认可度不高、医疗保障体系不健全等问题。指出,学校应密切联系俱乐部、企业,多渠道获取发展资源;从内部培养与外部引进两方面充实师资力量;坚持全面发展原则,妥善解决学训矛盾,提升学生综合素质;加强足球文化建设,营造良好氛围,提升足球参与者的荣誉感;强化校园足球风险防范意识,加强风险管理。旨在促进我国校园足球健康可持续发展。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、德尔菲法、层次分析法等研究方法,以人的全面发展理论、马斯洛的需要层次理论、道德认知发展心理学理论为基础,以国家出台的各类关于学生道德、品德发展的文件、中小学生手册和奥林匹克精神等为依据,构建出青少年体育品德评价指标体系。指标体系包括体育精神、体育品格、体育道德行为3个一级指标,爱国主义精神、集体主义精神、竞争开拓精神、拼搏进取精神、团队合作精神、创新精神、法制精神、爱、志、信、义、体育道德意应能力、体育道德创造能力和体育道德自我教育能力14个二级指标,并采用层次分析法分析出各指标的权重。青少年体育品德评价指标体系具有一定的科学性、适用性及操作性。  相似文献   
采用文献资料、文本分析等研究方法,运用文化学、传播学和社会学等多学科理论知识,以建设社会主义文化强国国家意志为引领,对新时代中国武术传承发展的时代境遇、面临困境和应对策略进行了学理上分析与设计。认为,建设文化强国的国家意志,助推民族历史发展彰显的独特文化效益和深度国际传播多元势力透显的使命担当,为中国武术当代发展创造了新机遇和新空间。而新时期文化的现代话语体系挤压着中国武术传统的话语空间,文化全球化横向传播方式削减着中国武术纵向代际传承效益,文化发展的同质化趋势消解着中国武术异质化传承栖息地等现实困境,迫切需要有序开启从传统向现代转型尤应注重中国武术价值观传承,以内承外传实现代际传承与同辈横向交流效益,构建中国武术文化多样性推进其传承发展时代认同三位一体推进路径,进行精准施策与理性应对。  相似文献   
为更加准确直观地模拟船舶靠泊过程中的系缆作业,将缆绳分为两部分进行建模。对缆机滚筒上的缆绳提出缠绕算法模型,计算出缆绳随着滚筒旋转的收放速度,实现使用滚筒收放缆绳的模拟。对缆机滚筒外的缆绳建立悬链线模型,计算出缆绳在不同工况下的形状和端点处的受力情况,并根据计算出的缆绳张力是否超出安全负荷对缆绳进行破断分析。根据船舶和码头形状确定碰撞检测区域,采用基于距离场的碰撞检测方法实现缆绳与船体、缆绳与码头之间的碰撞检测。通过模拟缆绳在系缆作业过程中的形状、位置和姿态变化,实现船舶靠泊过程中系缆作业的三维可视化。  相似文献   
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